On Wed, 17 Dec 2003, Jonathan Phillips wrote:
I agree that it should not be removed. I think that the odd shapes should be integrated into an objects button on the primary toolbar.
Thus after clicking that tool, the 2ndary tool should have the spiral, the star, and maybe a polygon tool of some sort for n-th sided polygons. That would seem more useful...the default tool would be the polygon tool.
The square and circle though should remain on the right hand side.
I think this sounds like a good approach. It seems like it shouldn't be too difficult to expand use of the polygon tool to provide a few more 'odd shapes', as they'd really just be mods on existing shapes. E.g.:
* Triangle (via star) (purple) * Round cornered rect (via rect) (white with black border) * Semi-circle (via circle) (orange) * Hexagon (via star) (tan) * Pentagon (via star) (gray) * Snowflake (via star) (bluish-white)
Of course, these can all be created from the primary shapes, so a minimalist might argue that they're unnecessary, however new users generally won't find those capabilities as quickly as if they were available through a toolbar. And for some shapes, having a button would help productivity (esp. with making triangles).
Jon, if this sounds good to you, would you mind setting up a feature request page for this, and adding the implementation task to the Roadmap for 0.38 or so?
Thanks, Bryce