20 Nov
20 Nov
12:24 p.m.
Since I upgraded my system to Fedora 8 a couple of weeks ago I am unable to use the Autopackage development builds anymore. It installs, claim the dependencies are satisfied but won't start due to missing libraries, here are a few examples: - it want libMagick++.so.9 (and I have libMagick++.so.10); - it want libMagick.so.9 (and I have libMagick.so.10); - it want libWand.so.9 (and I have libWand.so.10); - it want libtiff.so.4 (and I have libtiff.so.3) and maybe some more, I just gave up at libjasper-1.701.so which I don't have at all (I have only libjasper.so).
Wasn't Autopackage supposed to have some kind of dependency checker?
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