Running the rendering tests again this week I encountered a regression in the rendering of filters-comptran-01-b (from W3C SVG test suite). This test contains four rectangles with the same gradient, one without any filter and three with three different component transfer filters.
Last week the four rectangles in the filters-comptran-01 test were still rendered with the wrong colours, but they were rendered. This week two of them are not rendered anymore... As far as I can tell the component transfer code wasn't touched during that time though, so I have absolutely no idea why this suddenly happens.
Now the question is, should a bug be reported? And if so, what is this the actual bug? As far as I can tell feComponentTransfer isn't supposed to work anyway, so filing a bug seems a bit pointless at this point. However, as it doesn't appear to be related to a change to the component transfer filter it might actually be an unrelated bug in disguise.
So, any ideas on what could be causing this?