Hi all. I wrote a small script to help me automatically export portions of an svg file as individual images. I posted about it on the [inkscape forum](http://www.inkscapeforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=13682), and was recommended (by Jelle fwtw) to post it here. The script can be found at https://github.com/oxalic/AutoExport.

Basically it takes an svg file, finds any groups that are named with a form of "prefix:name", and exports those as "name.png" "name.eps" and "name.svg". The script should be fairly well documented and very easy to extend. It is nice because it would be fairly simple to incorporate prefixes in the filenames, and it can export nested things (I use it to export both compound images, and scheme images in chemistry).

It is a bit hackish (take a look at how I had to implement the export to plain svg's!), so if y'all have any suggestions or comments I'd love to hear them. Also more about my use case etc, the readme should cover most questions.