On Mon, 2006-10-30 at 23:26 -0400, bulia byak wrote:
Long ago, Ted Gould made a proposal on how to do gradient meshes using elliptic gradients. Sadly this was not workable because gradients are simply not flexible enough. But now we have blur - and while approximating a gradient mesh with blurring is still not trivial, it is possible. See an attached SVG for an example. Of course it's a nightmare to do all this manually, but as soon as we have code for bezier intersections, it becomes possible to do an automatic gradient mesh object using this approach.
Heh, I was just thinking about this :)
What I'm curious about is the edges. If you look at the attached PNG what you get is transparent edges, which really isn't what the gradient specified. I think that the edges have to be backed up with another object... the question is what.
I'm thinking white. But, I'm not sure that will work correctly when the vertex has some transparency of it's own. My other thought was a linear gradient across to the next color on the edge. But, then again, you have two transparent object effecting something bellow. Perhaps the alpha could be calculated to compensate?