@ C R double-clicking does add another column of nodes in that place. It may be more than what you bargained for, but I guess grid structure is what it's about ATM.
If I double-click on a mesh line it works for me, but clicking in a space that is not on a line in my version of trunk does nothing... it should (probably) add a row and a column to the mesh. It's not more than I bargained for... it's a mesh after all.. I think the grid structure is implied by that. :)
My 2p. -C
Copying an object with a mesh into a new document doesn't copy the mesh with it!
BTW I was able to achieve this non-smooth pattern by moving nodes and handles (attached 2 screenshots). Is this expected or should it never happen?
Mihaela aka prkos
On 13.11.2016 16:20, C R wrote:
Finally got time today to play with gradient meshes. First, I'd like to thank Tav for the amazing work. It's really awesome to see these make it into Inkscape, regardless of if they actually make it into the SVG 2 spec. I look forward to using them and showing them off to others interested in vector editing.
I agree that click+drag should used for selecting nodes. This was insta-confusing for me as well. And it threw away my gradient on more than one occasion when I forgot, forcing me to undo and try again. I think it used to be alt+m to add a mesh gradient... but it doesn't seem to work anymore. Anyway, that hotkey was fine for a quick-mesh.
There does not seem to be any easy way to select more than one node if they overlap eachother, like they do at the center and left-hand side of the conical gradient. I would definitely try to make click-drag lasso or box select node instead of applying a gradient. Even if we wanted to use it for adding a gradient, I would expect a linear gradient to be added rather than mesh gradient, and to be done in real-time based on the two points (initial click-hold is the first end of the gradient, and then release to indicate the last point of the linear gradient).
For the conical gradient, I'd lock all the points that overlap together, as moving one node from the middle makes it not-so conical anymore. :) Thus, moving the central node would move the ones under it too to move the center/tip of the cone, and preserve the cone shape/effect.
Also, when you apply a mesh gradient fill to a shape, I would auto-switch to the mesh gradient tool, so the user can see all the mesh options at the top of the screen.
There does not seem to be a method of adding a node to an arbitrary position, which forces the user to increase the mesh size to get more nodes. A double-click should add more mesh-node geometry so the user can designate a different colour at the position clicked (following the convention used in linear gradient editing).
That's my first impression anyway. :) Excellent work as always, Tav. I look forward to seeing it evolve into a staple of vector editing in Inkscape.
On Wed, Nov 9, 2016 at 6:43 PM, Jabier Arraiza <jabier.arraiza@...2893...> wrote:
I think the goal is a js.polifill to inlude and render ok the SVG as Tav says, I search a bit and dont find :(. To process a PNG we have thumb file now in uploads, let the user use.
Cheers, Jabier.
On Wed, 2016-11-09 at 12:55 -0500, Martin Owens wrote:
If we want the website to generate proper inkscape rendered pngs, then we'll need to get inkscape running on a CentOS 6 machine. Which is really where that whole thing falls apart. All the deps are so old that it makes the problem really hard.
But, if it's possible to package inkscape 0.92 into a self contained opt type package, maybe it would be possible?
I'd like to hear the thoughts of the more experenced package people for Linux.
On Wed, 2016-11-09 at 18:13 +0100, Jabier Arraiza wrote:
Hi to all!
I try to upload to inkscape.org a resource done time ago -very simple- with mesh, and show as white doc.
Now compiling new changes but in my version of trunk I coulent copy a mesh gradient between documents.
Cheers, Jabier.
On Wed, 2016-11-09 at 16:46 +0000, C R wrote: Do you think that is enough? We need to show them and the community the advantages of the feature to get enough backing for it, don't you think?
On 9 Nov 2016 4:22 pm, "Victor Westmann" <victor.westmann@...400...
Then we all go together to Google Chrome and mozilla firefox and fill the feature request with this featute
On Nov 9, 2016 2:47 AM, "C R" <cajhne@...400...> wrote:
Okay, then we need video of how gradient meshes help make producing vector art faster and better. And show the clear advantages of having it renderable as vector in browser which eliminates the need for processing it into done other format in the first place.
On 9 Nov 2016 9:39 am, "Eduard Braun" <Eduard.Braun2@...173...> wrote:
Am 09.11.2016 um 09:00 schrieb C R:
I think we should leverage our community power and redo some of the more popular Wikipedia graphics with gradient meshes. If the graphics are clearly better, we should be able to make a better case for meshes in svg 2. Maybe hold some sort of contest for producing the best gradient mesh alternative graphics each month (ongoing).
That won't work... SVGs on Wikipedia are never directly sent to the users browser but instead are always pre-rendered by Wikimedia Servers using librsvg (which to the best of my knowledge does not have any gradient mesh support).
Therefore including gradient meshes in Wikipedia graphics would basically break them and would send the opposite message to people (like with flowRegions from flowed text which renders as black rectangles which is mostly blamed on Inkscape being "not standard conformant").
The case would look completely different if somebody took on the challenge to implement gradient meshes in librsvg. Then we could use them for graphics on Wikipedia and people would start to ask: "Why does the image look much better on Wikipedia than it does when rendered by my browser?"
Regards, Eduard
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