On Feb 5, 2011, at 5:39 PM, Martin Owens wrote:
If any of you are _serious_ about trying to improve the ability to use gui tools with bzr and launchpad on gnome. Please help me with GroundControl, I need more developers to go over code (make sure it's not crazy) and add in the features they want to see. Watch the videos on the website linked above, it's really very easy to contribute.
Regards, Martin Owens
Drat! I was looking forward to helping with this, but hit
"! Not Available" "Your OS is not supported yet"
Though it might help some people, we are seeing the biggest need on MS Windows and OS X (including the person who's message had this brought up with).
As a minor point I did try to check things out, but "watch the videos" was not working for me. Between having to share a 'slower' connection (*only* 1.5MB here) and some laggy server response, I couldn't get even the intro one to come up. Videos can be helpful additions, but if they are the sole source of information it makes the graphic designer working out the site on his desktop happy, but causes problems for others.