On 11/2/10 15:04, Wolf Drechsel wrote:
Now I find that some libs are not compiled into the package, which will make the app not so portable. I removed the app from the packaging folder, than crash reporter says this:
Link (dyld) error:
Library not loaded: /opt/local/lib/libgtkmm-2.4.1.dylib Referenced from: /Users/bub/Desktop/Inkscape.app/Contents/ Resources/bin/inkscape-bin Reason: image not found
AFAIK somebody commented the instructions on compiling some components into the app bundle - can anybody tell me where I do have to look for the lines in question?
Did you uncomment line 33 in 'Contents/Resources/bin/inkscape'
# export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="$TOP/lib"
as told by 'osx-build.sh' after creating the bundle?
Note: this is based on my assumption that rewriting the install_names of the bundled shared dynamic libraries does not work in your case because iirc you use the default prefix '/opt/local' for the MacPorts tree (which is too short to allow for some of the resulting relative '@executable_path/..' library install names).