Hi all,
In my quest to implement <tref> I have been examining the <use> element. In its implementation, there are several members related to the connection it makes to the element it wants to use. I'm trying to sort out which of these is necessary because it seems that there is some duplication.
SPUse has the following as members:
gchar * href; SPUseReference *ref; sigc::connection _delete_connection; sigc::connection _changed_connection; sigc::connection _transformed_connection;
But SPUseReference is in fact a subclass of URIReference. Does having this make the other members redundant to a point?
Similarly, SPTextPath uses a subclass of SPUseReference called SPUsePath, which contains all the same sigc::connection stuff that is stored in SPUse.
Is it possible that SPUse could strip itself of the connection stuff and maybe even the href (not sure exactly the need for that one) by replacing the SPUseReference with SPUsePath?
Most importantly, is there any reason that SPTRef could use SPUsePath to refer to the element it will take character data from?
Thanks, your help is much appreciated :)