On Dec 28, 2007 8:15 AM, jiho <jo.irisson@...400...> wrote:
Hi Areozol,
On 2007-December-28 , at 16:33 , Areozol wrote:
On 2007-12-27, at 17:27, Stuart Edwards wrote:
Fires up nicely on intel/10.5 and PPC/10.4 -- great job! Looking forward to exploring the new 'stuff'
Stu On Dec 27, 2007, at 10:09 AM, jiho wrote:
Any chances for working build for Panther 10.3.9? I would compile by myself, but I cannot update MacPorts to 1.6. The MP team had annouced, that they would make fix for that problem soon.
John Faith is working on it (Inkscape I mean, not MacPorts) but there are issues right now (Inkscape compiles but crashes on startup). Maybe you can help him test stuff and sort things out.
Hello, Here's what I've seen so far on OS X 10.3.9:
- Source from SVN does not build (as of version 16780), but I've submitted a few patches which seem to help. In LaunchPad, see bugs 178123, 175697, and 178180.
- After building the .app bundle, double clicking on the application just gives a small empty window.
- Running Inkscape.app/Contents/MacOS/Inkscape on the command line gives this error on the console when the small empty window is displayed: Emergency save activated! Emergency save completed. Inkscape will close now.
I have tried running under gdb, but I have not yet been able to get a meaningful backtrace.
- If I run the Inkscape.app/Contents/Resources/bin/inkscape wrapper script from the command line, I get the main Inkscape window, but most icons are missing.
, John