W dniu 17 marca 2012 21:55 użytkownik Romain de Bossoreille
<romain2boss@...48...> napisał:
A 200% code question, thanks to the one (or two, or three... !) who will
give me an answer!
I'm looking very closely to the clipboard implementation to follow
understanding its behaviour (cf.
http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Clipboard), an amazing work have
been done but I've a question (in src/ui/clipboard.cpp):
Inkscape::XML::Node *ClipboardManagerImpl::_copyNode(Inkscape::XML::Node
*node, Inkscape::XML::Document *target_doc, Inkscape::XML::Node *parent)
void ClipboardManagerImpl::_pasteDocument(SPDesktop *desktop, SPDocument
*clipdoc, bool in_place)
void ClipboardManagerImpl::_pasteDefs(SPDesktop *desktop, SPDocument
SPCSSAttr *ClipboardManagerImpl::_parseColor(const Glib::ustring &text)
On my understanding, those functions should not be implemented in the
Clipboard class because 1) they are not using any functions dedicated to the
Clipboard and so 2) they are codes that could be needed for other puposes
than clipboard (and I wonder whether some are duplicated elsewhere in the
Yes, these functions could be moved to somewhere else and unified with
the code for importing (in file.cpp). I wrote this a long time ago
when I knew a lot less about Inkscape code, so it's not perfect.
Regards, Krzysztof