On 01 Aug 2006, at 18:20 , Ralf Stephan wrote:
... I just thought it would be difficult to release a new version while Inkscape trunk does not compile on a specific platform. But maybe I am not trying to compile the right thing, maybe I should compile a release branch or something. Could you enlighten me please?
The 0.44 branch was ... branched right after the release 0.44 so if you had no problems with the original 0.44 then you're fine with it. Please see the FAQ on how to checkout branches, this has a name of RELEASE_0_44_BRANCH.
Some things were fixed too in the branch, please see the 0.44.1 Release Notes on the Wiki (top of 0.44). Trunk (="experimental"), however, was changed heavily in the meantime, and your problems might be due to that. I just don't know.
thanks for this enlightening explanation. I was indeed making inappropriate comments. If I understood you correctly 0.44.1 would be coming from an evolution of the RELEASE_0_44_BRANCH while my comments were about trunk. Sorry to have caused trouble with this (well the problems are still there but I should have posted them separately). To make up for my mistake I'll checkout the release branch and try to produce the 0.44.1 package for OSX :-) note for Michael Wybrow: I will only be able to compile Inkscape on a PPC system. Could you take care of the Intel part in order to give a universal 0.44.1 (or at least two separate packages).
JiHO --- http://jo.irisson.free.fr/