Hello all, I am currently pursuing my undergraduate studies in Computer Science and Engineering at Delhi Technological University , New Delhi , India and am looking forward to be a part of GSoC 2013.
I have been using software like Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop since before high-school. With the interest I had in programming and algorithms, I always wanted to contribute to such software programs. FOSS caught my attention in my second year of college and I began delving into Inkscape as it provided me an opportunity to get inside the workings of a real software almost similar to Illustrator.
I have fixed one bug till yet: https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/773288
*I intend on implementing a Recolor Artwork Tool that shall allow: *1) Managing Color Themes with one go. 2) Enable editing many objects' colors on-the-go (simplified interface).
This site should give some idea about what I have in mind- http://colorschemedesigner.com/ Thankyou to ScislaC for pointing this site out and lessening my burden of explaining what the tool would do.
The credit for the idea goes to Inkscape's developer wiki which urges the contributors: '*Don’t please the artist—BE the artist'* and in my view, this tool shall be a boon to all of Inkscape's heroes, our artists.
I have played around the gimpcolorwheel.c file and studied Cairo's drawing structure to paint the entire Hue Wheel in my experiments. A screenshot (result) is attached for the mentors' and advisors' perusal. Also, I have added a 'Recolor Artwork' option in the 'Object' Menu to house the final tool widget.
As an almost rookie for such a project, I hope the discussion with people adept with industry methods and experience in digital designing will definitely help me chalk out finer details of how to structure the tool keeping in mind the intricacies of Inkscape's codebase.
Thankyou for your time.