Hi all,
Following are the meeting notes for the Developer Meeting on 10th July 2024:
Attending: Rene, Tav, Ishaan, Elendil (Krlr17), Ravi
Rene worked on dependencies and engaged in a few Windows related MRs. Also need to work on Documentation CI
Tav working on bug report where there are no tooltips on menus. MacOS might not support tootips on menus.
Elendil (Krlr17) informed Snap version is broken badly, so we shouldn't have it as default on Ubuntu. Export dialog does not work. A lot of issues reported for the snap version. We can ask Ted to join the next dev meeting to discuss the future of the snap.
Ishaan managed to report a few bugs on MacOS. Was busy otherwise ^^
Ravi continued work on his GSoC Project (Node based filter editor). Opened an MR as well.
More discussion on tooltips. Some history about Objective C and Swift from Rene.
Rene discussed about not stopping jobs/pipelines on master as it breaks links.
Next Meeting: Thursday, 18th July
Thanks for everyone who was able to make it to the meeting!
Best Ishaan Arora
A man’s not dead while his name is still spoken.