2011/4/5 Johan Engelen <jbc.engelen@...2592...>:
Inkscape supports reading and writing quad bez from SVG. The node edit tool does not support it yet. Translating the path preserves the quad bez for example. But indeed, you cannot (yet) edit a quad bez without Inkscape converting it to cubic.
It would be rather hard to introduce cubic beziers into the node tool. The current tool is node-based and no state about segments is stored, while quad bezier editing would require storing the type of each segment. Furthermore, node type logic would get very complicated.
That being said, if someone invents sensible control handles for elliptical arcs (a demonstration in a 2Geom toy would be handy), I can try to introduce quad bezier and arc support in the node tool at some point in the future.
Regards, Krzysztof