On 04/05/06, Ben Fowler <ben.the.mole@...400...> wrote:
On 04/05/06, Timothée Anglade <timothee.anglade@...1261...> wrote:
[ big snip ]
... Now, I have no insight into how the SoC projects are assessed, but if one scale is to weight against ideas which ought to have their implementation under the aegis or auspices of some other organisation then you might find that adding a Cocoa port to Inkscape is affected by that. Certainly I would wonder why Google should be involved if nobody has stepped up to make a start.
You ought to ignore that. I had no real idea what I was talking about. See http://www.internet2.edu/~shalunov/writing/soc2005.html which gives good info about what is expected from applicants, and our page http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/SOC_Selection_Criteria .
Sorry, Ben