On Sat, 19 Feb 2005 21:34:55 +0100, Craig Bradney <cbradney@...242...> wrote:
IE, how have you handled large gradient "lengths" where the item its applied to is much smaller than the gradient vector? This is one thing we have had trouble with importing SVGs into Scribus where the vector is much larger than the item. Currently a limitation of Scribus gradients is that the end points of the vector must be within the boundaries of the object, which was never the case before in Inkscape IIRC.
It was always possible to extend a gradient beyond the object. However it was rather inconvenient before, because you had to drag a handle beyond the edges of the dialog. Now it is much easier to do: you just drag your gradient points anywhere on the canvas, be it inside the object or outside it.
SVG has no limitations on where the gradient ends may be, and it is very useful in many situations to have them outside of the object. For example, I often need several objects to have exactly the same gradient vector, which for some of them will lie outside and for some inside. I would even say that in a typical artwork, the _majority_ of gradients have their controls somewhere outside of their objects.
So, please, remove this limitation in Scribus, it's a major roadblock for importing SVG artwork into it.
We can edit the gradient vector on the canvas in 1.3 though.
Cool, I hope you'll find it useful to examine Inkscape's way of doing it, and maybe suggest something for us, or borrow something from us, or both :)
Of course, theres argument for just changing the end points colours but that will become inaccurate if applying the same gradient to multiple objects.
No, of course, changing colors is a very clumsy workaround for true out-of-object handles. Besides it won't help at all with radial gradients or even with non-horizontal-and-non-vertical linear ones.