Okay, so there was not enough interest in doing the interview montage, so I'm back-burnering that one. :)
So instead, let's show them what's new in Inkscape! I am doing a brief video commercial for the Inkscape project with updates from the last year. So what are you favourite Inkscape features/progress.
This will replace the "two slides" at LGM, with something much more swish and polished to show off the hard work that's been done in Inkscape over the last year (starting from or around April last year).
What I need: A list of your favourite new features in Inkscape (developed in the last year, or that will be finished and/or working by the date of LGM in April).
I will combine them with mine and submit a video (after showing to everyone on this mailing list and #gimp to make sure we have all the facts right.
Cheers. -C