On Tue, Mar 15, 2005 at 07:41:20AM -0600, fretfind@...540... wrote:
Bryce Harrington wrote:
When new subdirs are added, you have to refresh the Makefile structure. This requires running autogen.sh and configure. Technically, you don't need to do `make clean`, and in fact it will probably rebuild faster if you don't.
Hope this answers the question, and I apologize for any extra work caused by the inkscape_gtkmm integration.
Thanks for the wonderfully complete explanation. I'm always waiting to get blasted for asking stupid questions.
I think the important parts of this for me is not doing 'make clean' and rebuilding faster. I was worried that if I did autogen.sh and configure again that I would have to wait for the whole tree to rebuild. I'm happy to find that that is not the case.
By the way, if you're finding compile time to be an issue, check out a program called 'ccache'. This is a handy tool that helps speed up re-compilation of software.
One way to run it is like this:
CXX='ccache g++' ./configure make
For the truly uninitiated such as myself one question remains, "When do I need to use make clean?" I will go reasearch that.
Ideally, you shouldn't ever need to use it, however sometimes when you've got a really oddball compilation/linking issue, and you suspect something may be funky with the already compiled units and want to start over from scratch, you may want to do a make clean. Another situation is when you're developing a new chunk of code and want to make 100% sure that you've got it all hooked up right.