Am Freitag, den 31.08.2007, 19:47 +0200 schrieb jiho:
On 2007-August-31 , at 19:25 , Bryce Harrington wrote:
Could you add this info to the Inkscape OSX wiki page, so if others wish to get involved with making an OSX port they have the latest info? (I've had people contact me offlist about this, and I typically just point them at the wiki.)
Yes no problem, this is planned. But right now I am all excited since I got the gtk-demo to run after tweaking pango. Woohoo! So now I just need to compile all other inkscape dependencies, recompile inkscape... and we'll see. I'll report my success or failure shortly.
I looks like gtk now supports Mac OS X Menubars: http://gimpfoo.de/2007/08/30/using-the-mac-os-x-menubar/
And a bigger screenshot: http://tirania.org/blog/archive/2007/Aug-30-2.html
Regards, Tobias