On 9/16/10, bulia byak wrote:
Just moving an off-list discussion to the devel list. It seems like setting a goal date for 0.48.1 is a good idea to move forward with it. So, what are people's thoughts on this and the state of things in that branch?
I'd also like to propose to revert the change to the new Input Devices dialog, unless Jon (or anyone else - is there anyone willing to work on that?) makes some real improvements to its understandability and workability.
Yes, I was too rather interested what Jon's response would be. Reverting that change would introduce strings freeze break which we sort of agreed not to do. OTOH it's a relatively small change in return for an obvious benefit, and if we give translators enough time, things would be safe enough, even though breaking policies is not something to break so easily :)
For the future we need to prepare for XInput2 anyway. GIMP 2.7.x already has first steps towards that and a new configuration dialog. Could we possibly be interested to have a look for ideas and co-operation?
Alexandre Prokoudine http://libregraphicsworld.org