A week or so ago I wrote:
All of these have an identical "About Inkscape" screen showing the now
This screen should reflect the actual version status. eg. 0.36 build 20-12-03.
Could this be done so that it is automatically updated?
This would be nice.
and Bryce wrote:
Yes, in fact it used to be automatically updated, but for 0.35 I replaced the about dialog but, not realizing that there was code to update it automatically, changed the syntax of the file in a way that made it no longer work. Fortunately, once this was identified, Mental fixed it so it will automatically update again, so we shouldn't have this problem in the future.
I guess I am just being picky. However, some thoughts on this.
Firstly, the screens now read "0.37cvs" and I reckon it should be "0.36cvs". Secondly, they still do not have the build date. Since builds are coming out frequently (thanks Bob) and I often have three versions open at once I would like to check up on which is which. Ie I would at least like to see "0.36cvs 1227" for my latest version.
Since I am being picky what about going a bit further and simply going to "Inkscape031227"? The advantage of this is that all downloads will sort themselves sequentially.
Bob, your current Inkscape1227 is great but....come next week what is it going to be? Inkscape0101?
When you have deliberated can Mental fix it so that it is so?
thanks guys, the present incarnation is very smooth, vellum