On Tue, 2013-05-28 at 21:59 -0300, VinÃcius dos Santos Oliveira wrote:
I'll be coding for this project very soon and I created a repository for it at https://github.com/vinipsmaker/kopf2011 . When we decide where is the best place to keep the project during the WIP phase, I'll move it.
The best place is on Launchpad. See the "Publishing your work on Launchpad" section:
I'll be using the namespace Kopf2011 for this library. If you don't like the namespace, let me know and I can change that.
It might be better to use a more descriptive name. Kopf2011 is unlikely to be known by anybody who isn't already familiar with the paper.
I'll publish updates of the project at my personal blog at http://vinipsmaker.wordpress.com/category/computacao/gsoc2013-inkscape/ .
Excellent! At one time we required GSOC students to keep a blog. The blog posts were aggregated to planet.inkscape.org. Unfortunately, we seem to have lost the ability to administer this site and it is mostly filled with posts that have nothing to do with Inkscape.