On 2013-11-07 21:30 +0100, Martin Owens wrote:
On Fri, 2013-11-08 at 09:18 +1300, Bryan Hoyt | Brush Technology wrote:
- Manifestation 1: Choose "select" tool, click away from rect and
then click rect again. Inkscape dies with "unhandled exception (type std::exception) in signal handler:\n what: basic_string::_S_construct null not valid" 5) Manifestation 2: Don't choose the select tool, just click the rect with the rect tool. Inkscape dies with "terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::logic_error' \n what(): basic_string::_S_construct null not valid"
I have the strangest feeling this might be my doing. Could you post this as a real bug on launchpad with a full traceback so we can see?
AFAICT this crash was introduced with - Revision 10992: Fix for 171579 : Make inkscape remember dialogs window status http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~inkscape.dev/inkscape/trunk/revision/10992
This based on tests with archived builds on OS X: - not reproduced with rev <= 10990 - reproduced with rev >= 10992
Attached is a full backtrace with a recent debug build (r12780), using glib2 2.38.1, glibmm 2.38.0, gtk2 2.24.22, gtkmm 2.24.4, libsigcxx2 2.2.11 (I don't have debug symbols installed for the dependencies).
Note: the crash is unrelated to the GLib-GObject console warnings in the log about
Attempt to add property gtkmm__CustomObject_N8Inkscape2UI6Widget12ImageTogglerE (…)
and occurs with older versions of glib2/glibmm/gtk2/gtkmm too.
Steps to reproduce such a crash with (new) default prefs: 1) launch trunk 2) draw rect 3) switch back to select tool 4) open 'File > Export PNG image' 5) open 'Edit > XML Editor' 6) delete id of rect in XML Editor 7) deselect and reselect the rect on-canvas --> crash
Regards, V