- 'View > Sample Process', save the result as text file and
attach it, maybe it helps to determine where inkscape-bin hangs
"Prozeß-Analyse" in German? - Is attached as a file.
compare yours to the attached process samples of http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.os.apple.macports.devel/10079 and http://trac.macports.org/ticket/21679, which is a duplicate of http://trac.macports.org/ticket/21624
Which version of pango do you have installed? If it's 1.26.0, try this fix:
| Deactivated pango 1.26.0, reactivated pango 1.24.5, rebuilt all of | pango's direct dependents and then inkscape
Wow. One more time I'm impressed. That's what I found:
port installed pango The following ports are currently installed: pango @1.24.5_0+macosx+no_x11+quartz pango @1.26.0_0+macosx (active) dsl01:~ bub$ port deps pango Full Name: pango @1.26.0+macosx Library Dependencies: glib2, Xft2, cairo Extract Dependencies: pkgconfig
So probabely the quartz version is working because pango–quartz is older than pango_X11. Which of these deps do you mean by "direct deps"?
I'll check that tomorrow, all of this day I'm out - saving the danube river.
Yours respectfully ((-;