Hi Maren,
On Tue, 10 Mar 2015 00:44:23 +0100 Maren Hachmann <maren@...3165...> wrote:
Hi again,
there's another page which could also profit from your feedback:
some comments:
* «If you want to help with Inkscape development - no matter what area you'd like to contribute to - you won't get around familiarizing yourself with some of the basics of the SVG vector file format. »
Should be: «If you want to help with Inkscape development - no matter what area you'd like to contribute to - you won't get very far without familiarizing yourself with some of the basics of the SVG vector graphics file format. »
Perhaps this can be shortened to «You need to familiarize yourself with the SVG vector graphics file format, if you wish to help with Inkscape development.»
* «We collected some information here of which we hope that it will get you started easily.»
Should be:
«We collected some information here, which we hope will get you started easily.»
* «SVG (acronym for "Scalable Vector Graphics") is a free and open, standardized file format for vector graphics, maintained and developed by the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), the main international standards organization for the web.»
should be :
«SVG (acronym for "Scalable Vector Graphics") is a free and open, standardized, file format for vector graphics. It is maintained and developed by the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), the main international standards organization for the Web.»
* «and many of the new features already implemented in Inkscape and many viewers (like web browsers).»
should be:
«and many of the new features are already implemented in Inkscape and many viewers (like web browsers).»
* «Inkscape prides itself to be a fully standard-compliant SVG editor.»
I think it should be "prides itself on being" instead.
* «But by then, the feature was already in the software, and it was useful for many users, so we did not want to just take it away again, but rather kept it, so people were able to dynamically edit their texts within Inkscape.»
Should be:
«But by then, the feature had already been in Inkscape, and it was useful for many users. As a result, we did not want to just take it away again, but rather kept it, so people can dynamically edit their texts from within Inkscape.»
Please consider correcting these suspected errors.
Shlomi Fish