Thanks Josh and su_v for testing! I've fixed the crash and gone ahead and checked in the code. As I mention in another email, the on-canvas shape handles bug already existed in trunk prior to this check-in.
On Tue, 2013-10-08 at 02:26 +0200, su_v wrote:
On 2013-10-08 01:28 +0200, Josh Andler wrote:
On Mon, Oct 7, 2013 at 12:18 PM, Tavmjong Bah <tavmjong@...8...> wrote:
LPE's should also work.
I added the Powestroke LPE to a Circle and in the Ellipse Tool it no longer showed the on-canvas control handles to edit it.
Works for me after de- and reselecting the ellipse/circle, likely https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/1219324 (affects unpatched trunk, too)
Other than the other issue you mentioned regarding the XML editor getting updated, in my limited testing it seemed like everything else checks out.
Patched inkscape crashes when saving a new drawing with a circle as 'Plain SVG':
- launch patched inkscape (default prefs, default new doc)
- draw a circle
- save as 'Plain SVG':
Program received signal EXC_BAD_ACCESS, Could not access memory. Reason: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at address: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000100145483 in SPItem::write () (gdb) bt #0 0x0000000100145483 in SPItem::write () #1 0x000000010015a95b in SPLPEItem::write () #2 0x0000000100180761 in SPShape::write () #3 0x000000010011ff95 in SPGenericEllipse::write () #4 0x000000010014ab1c in SPGroup::write () #5 0x000000010014ab1c in SPGroup::write () #6 0x000000010017f78a in SPRoot::write () #7 0x00000001002554b9 in Inkscape::Extension::Internal::Svg::save () #8 0x0000000100249fb5 in Inkscape::Extension::Output::save () #9 0x0000000100247be0 in Inkscape::Extension::save () #10 0x00000001000640ce in file_save () #11 0x0000000100063de1 in sp_file_save_dialog () #12 0x0000000100064509 in sp_file_save_document () #13 0x00000001000647ba in sp_file_save () #14 0x00000001001ce990 in Inkscape::FileVerb::perform () #15 0x000000010002f712 in sigc::internal::signal_emit0<void, sigc::nil>::emit () #16 0x00000001003047ee in sp_action_perform () #17 0x0000000100108c86 in sp_shortcut_invoke () #18 0x000000010030a0c2 in on_window_key_press () #19 0x000000010030a18d in sigc::internal::slot_call1<sigc::pointer_functor1<_GdkEventKey*, bool>, bool, _GdkEventKey*>::call_it () #20 0x00000001011cd3ba in (anonymous namespace)::Widget_signal_key_press_event_callback () #21 0x0000000101664d6e in _gtk_marshal_BOOLEAN__BOXED () #22 0x0000000102e0a521 in g_closure_invoke () #23 0x0000000102e1d523 in signal_emit_unlocked_R () #24 0x0000000102e1e2e4 in g_signal_emit_valist () #25 0x0000000102e1e5ee in g_signal_emit () #26 0x000000010175a51f in gtk_widget_event_internal () #27 0x00000001016630af in gtk_propagate_event () #28 0x0000000101662d6b in gtk_main_do_event () #29 0x0000000101a2415f in gdk_event_dispatch () #30 0x0000000102e7e4ca in g_main_context_dispatch () #31 0x0000000102e7e7cc in g_main_context_iterate () #32 0x0000000102e7ea51 in g_main_loop_run () #33 0x00000001016626f0 in gtk_main () #34 0x000000010000296b in sp_main_gui () #35 0x0000000100001cc4 in start () (gdb)