Thanks a lot for your reply !

If  I understand well the 256 height levels available cause the same kind of problem encountered with 3D displacement maps and which was solved by the use of 16 and 32 bits grey levels maps.

Are those 256 height levels maps a limitation of SVG ?


De : Niko Kiirala <niko@...1267...>
À :
Envoyé le : Mardi, 10 Mars 2009, 12h39mn 37s
Objet : Re: [Inkscape-devel] Kernel Unit Length in Lighting Effects

Mon, 9 Mar 2009 22:14:46 +0000 (GMT)
Ivan Louette <ivan_louette@...48...> kirjoitti:

> Working on filters for one moment now I was asking myself if there
> are any progresses (or projects) about implementing Kernel Unit
> Length in Lighting Effects.
> Following this Niko Kiirala tutorial
> "Kernel Unit Length is not yet used in Inkscape. It is used to make
> the result resolution-independent. Now that it isn't used, with high
> zooms you can see odd plateaus forming."
> If that's not so important in daily web graphics, from an illustrator
> point of view that's a problem not only for zooming but also for
> scaling up some effects or using wide blurs as basic composites for
> lighting.

Well, I can tell I've got no specific plans to implementing that. Yes,
it's part of Filter Effects implementation that's still unimplemented
and there are some other parts too...

Besides, that's not quite the full story about those plateaus. The
other part is: there are only 256 height levels available and with large
resolutions we'll inevitably run out of those. Kernel Unit Length just
allows for lowering the resolution - well, kind-of.

Niko Kiirala

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