Hi Michael,
thanks for your help, but that's all strange to me: I reinstalled the package from the 10.3 CD and the library is still not in /usr/X11R6/lib.
I downloaded the disk image you point to below, installed and no Xinerama lib. I installed again - no changes. I removed (not really, but renamed) /usr/X11R6 and installed the package again: still no Xinerama library. May be a language problem? I work on a german MacOSX 10.3..
cu rasca
Michael Wybrow schrieb:
On Sun, 13 Nov 2005, Michael Wybrow wrote:
On Fri, 11 Nov 2005, Rasca wrote:
I tried the package Inkscape-0.42+0.43pre3-1.dmg on a MacOSX machine with OSX 10.3.9 and X11 installed from the OSX Cdrom. Sad, but it doesn't launch. [...]
I just tried Inkscape-0.42+0.43pre3-1.dmg on a 10.3.9 machine. It didn't have X11 installed, so I grabbed it from the website. Inkscape ran fine. I checked and X11 *does* include libXinerama.1.dylib, so perhaps Apple have silently updated the version available.*
Anyway this means I will not be able to test my proposed solution and my suggestion would be for you to grab the current version of X11 available for Panther on Apple's website and install it over the top of your current one: http://www.apple.com/downloads/macosx/apple/x11formacosx.html
(*) Or possibly this is just the (previously known) problem of the x11user.pkg not installing all the files that it should. You may just try rerunning the installer from the install discs and see if you then end up with a copy of the missing library.