On Thu, 2005-11-24 at 11:45 +0100, Pim Snel wrote:
What I really would like it to put is next to "save as" instead of in the "save as", because the extention saves a copy in the zip and leaves the original document the current.
Maybe inkscape needs an export sub menu. It would really fit here.
Well, I really think this should be an output extension, just because it does something different than all the other effects. Effects tend to change the current document in some way, not create a file. The output extensions are specifically designed for creating a file. You wouldn't have your issues with needing to save first (for instance). Also, filename collisions would be handled.
But, if I can't convince you, there is a way to get an Effect listed in any menu, although it is a hack. And, it will still be listed in the effect menu also. If you edit the menu structure XML by adding in an entry, and for the verb ID you use the effect's extension id, it should show up in the menu.