The paper indicates this heuristic works in 'most' cases. :-)

It seems to me that the problem caused in this example is because the 8x8 window covers other interesting features and is too large for this particular case.

Far be it for me to suggest modifying their algorithm... But...

 - If you used variable sized centred windows (4,6,8,10) and calculated the weight for each window. There will be a window size where the weight flips. This might suggest an improvement to the heursistic where the state is constant for two scales in a row.
- Another approach might be to perturb the center point of the window by 1 position in all 8 directions and take the majority weight in the 8x8 case. I did not calculate this - just a hunch.
But I think the first may work better...


On 6/15/2013 8:52 PM, Vinícius dos Santos Oliveira wrote:
2013/6/15 Jabiertxo Arraiza Cenoz <jabier.arraiza@...2893...>
But in the tests.svg of there is 1 less row no?

8 rows by 8 columns. It's the window size used by "sparse pixels" heuristic.

Vinícius dos Santos Oliveira