Bryce Harrington wrote:
On Fri, Mar 04, 2005 at 01:30:26PM -0500, mental@...3... wrote:
I've been through several website adoptions of CMS's (i.e. Zope) that turned out very badly, so am rather skeptical of the value of CMS systems in general,
Isn't Zope a web application framework rather than a CMS as such?
It has a CMS component called Plone. We have found that it has serious performance limitations, and does not play very well with non-Zope things (such as CGI scripts or PHP). Plone gets a lot of press, but it doesn't seem to be a very good solution, even if you're willing to go 100% Python for everything (as it requires). It cannot handle high traffic loads, for instance - we tend to lose the OSDL site for the day when we even get a modest slashdotting.
I read an article on Plone recently:
By default, Plone is set up for development, not deployment. Before launching a Plone site, you need to make some configuration changes to enable caching and make sure debug mode is off. If you don’t, performance will not be good, to say the least. Unless your site gets very little traffic you will want to use a caching proxy in front of Plone, something that is highly recommended. Zope is not the fastest thing around, so anything you can do to reduce server load will help."
I couldn't comment having never used it myself, but I think it is perhaps an unfair example to use as transferring an entire site to Plone far more "serious" than transferring a news section to WordPress.