I just suscribed to the mailing-list because it's been a long time I 'd like to contribute to Inkscape but I don't know exacty how to proceed and what to do.
I have skills in programmation, but I never studied such a large project and so I feel completely lost when I browse the source files for example. So I'd like to know what is the recommended way to discover Inkscape organisation. Is it helpfull to begin with plugin development or is it so different than it will not help me understanding the code structure ? Are there simple little tasks that I could try to achieve in order to get more familiar with it ? Tasks that would not require a complete understanding of the entire code.
But I can also help in other way than patching the core soft, with some web dev or translation. I suscribed to the translator mailing-list too but I don't know exactly how it works, how to find what to translate, etc. For example the new next-release page has obviously not been translated in French (which is my mother language) but what am I supposed to do if I want to translate it ?
Please excuse me if I just missed the place where all this information can be found !
Best regards, Elie