On 10/14/07, bulia byak <buliabyak@...400...> wrote:
On 10/14/07, Aaron Spike <aaron@...749...> wrote:
Is this really not possible? For it to be possible group must me something orthogonal to <g /> in SVG. Perhaps it could mean something more like @class attributes as used with CSS. An element in Inkscape could be tagged with one or more classes in an inkscape:class="" attribute. This tagging could be used to better the user experience in a number of ways, like translating objects across multiple layers. Perhaps someday someone will scratch such an itch.
That would be not a group but saved selection - search rfe tracker for "saved selection", I did a detailed writeup on that a while ago.
One of the main Engineering analysis packages I use has the same sort of issues, as elements can only be in one collector (thier equivalent of our groups) The way they've got round it is much as your suggesting, groups remain exclusive, but you can set up reference sets which can include items from as many collectors as you like.