28 May
28 May
8:31 a.m.
On 28/05/2012 10:19, LucaDC wrote:
John Smith wrote
- Add a button : "Document Properties->Guides->Remove Guides"
I know people that don't like adding buttons on the GUI too much. :) But I'm in favor of this: deleting many guides is not easy and navigating through the menu isn't too. I know this option woudl be good for heavy-guide-users only, and I feel we are not so many so I can understand if it's dropped: GUI space is precious.
You do realise that the proposed button is buried even deeper than the current top-level menu item? The proposed location of the button requires the user to to open the 'Document Properties' dialog, switch to the 'Guides' tab, click the button, and close the 'Document properties' dialog again. I'd vote to keep it in the menu ;)