On 10/3/11 10:46, Hinerangi Courtenay wrote:
I just think that the FAQ is currently a little long and could be maybe use some tidying up or refinement... But hopefully some visual organization will help people get through it themselves and answer their own questions, thereby relieving the load on people providing support.
Agreed. Also, quickly browsing through the long list I do realise that more answers than I was aware of need to be updated to reflect changes in later Inkscape versions (0.47, 0.48).
I'll see if I can come up with a list of - frequently asked questions currently not covered in the FAQ - answers in need to be updated to reflect the current status (Inkscape 0.47/0.48) - questions most often answered with a link to the FAQ
If you're pointing people to it weekly, that suggests people aren't taking the time to read through it themselves...
That's why they are frequently asked questions in the first place ;) (and it's ok, as long as we can answer them with a link).
For example in the section called "Using Inkscape" - do people actually ask how to rotate objects or change text colour?
Sometimes, yes, they do ;) But honestly these types of questions I usually answer myself, or provide a link to a section in Tav's manual.
And the contributing FAQ can possibly be dropped seeing as there will be a dedicated web page for contributing to Inkscape, with links throughout the site to get there. Also, would the development topics be better in a separate developer section or just all kept together?
Don't know - do you propose that each 'section' of the web site (Learn, Community, Developers) gets its own FAQ, and the link under 'About' will be removed?