Am 31.05.2017 um 14:12 schrieb Martin Owens:
Hi Bryce + devs,
I'm a bit worried about the Git migration. I'm a bit impatient ;-) but we haven't heard much from KK about availability and I'm thinking we need to plan a contingency.
Are we planning to get this done at the hackfest?
Best Regards, Martin Owens
Hi Martin,
I think Ted was looking into the git migration. Last time I talked to him on IRC it sounded as if he had it mostly figured out but there was still an issue with converting some old branches.
If some assistance is needed I might also be able to help out, as I played around a bit with the conversion myself (I was investigating if there was a nice way to preserve metatadata that bzr has but git does not, notably revision numbers, fixed bugs and multiple authors) and already did one full conversion of trunk plus some sample branches in the process.
Regarding hackfest: I don't attend, so it's probably not up to me to suggest anything, but from what I experienced such a migration is mostly waiting for the conversion to finish and uploading and I doubt it's much fun to do during a hackfest. Also I guess time is better spent on actual coding than on infrastructure? Personally I'd do it well before or after, so everybody has enough time to check if the conversion worked properly.
Regards, Eduarc