Hi altogether!
I'm in the process of packaging inkscape 0.47pre2 for debian, and I hope it will be available soon. There is a small problem however, regarding the ssl-support in whiteboard. lintian reports the following error for inkscape:
This package appears to be covered by the GNU GPL but depends on the OpenSSL libssl package and does not mention a license exemption or exception for OpenSSL in its copyright file. The GPL (including version 3) is incompatible with some terms of the OpenSSL license, and therefore Debian does not allow GPL-licensed code linked with OpenSSL libraries unless there is a license exception explicitly permitting this.
If only the Debian packaging, or some other part of the package not linked with OpenSSL, is covered by the GNU GPL, please add a lintian override for this tag. Lintian currently has no good way of distinguishing between that case and problematic packages.
From my understanding, I need an e-mail I can cite in the copyright file stating
that the inkscape developers intend and allow their code to be linked against OpenSSL. I think there should be no problem, since obviously you wanted to use OpenSSL from the beginning.
With best wishes,