As I've worked piecemeal through small content updates on the website I seen we need new graphic assets, especially for homepage banners, screenshots, and community gallery areas.  The gallery on the existing website has operated as a timeline of version development and features.  I think the new website gallery could be presented more as an showcase of artwork/design.  But where should these images come from so this can be populated?

My query in simple form is: from where should we source images for the new staging website?  And how should permission-seeking work for using others' art?

I've compiled below some areas where I see this could be crowd-sourced.

Sources already linked within Inkscape webpages:

There has been a lot of great examples of vector graphics creation through Inkscape posted socially online. I consider this a great choice in how we could populate our Gallery in our staging website.
Here are some examples.
[facebook is a page also, but doesn't seem to attract the same activity of art postings)

Most artists seem to be very willing to share their art publicly.  But again, what is the best manner (existing method?) of posting these on our websites with appropriate credit/permission?

I appreciate any feedback, and then I'm willing to work at bringing our site to life a little more with these graphics.
