20 Aug
20 Aug
7:26 p.m.
all the various sources I have used for inkscape0.91 blow up at the same point, on a file called threads.h So in desperation I copied this file from Ubuntu to Slackware. The location is exactly the same on both systems: /usr/include.2.4/glibmm/threads.h
There are other files on my Slackware partition called threads.h but this is the one Inkscape 0.91 uses.
Currently my attempt at a bzr based compile has produced 0.91pre2r13528. The key to that process is to run autogen.sh, then ./configure and make.
BTW Inkscape compiles run longer than any others I have done on any system since I worked on tape-only systems in the 1960's. But the results are worth it! :<)
John Culleton
Wexford Press
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