Hello again,
One other glitch which the tweak tool revealed: undoing looses selection.
Example: draw a circle, switch to tweak, tweak, CTRL-Z, tweak again = you can't because the circle is not selected anymore. and furthermore: draw a circle, draw another, select all, switch to tweak, tweak circle nb 1, CTRL-Z, switch to select = only circle nb 2 is selected
In fact this happens in all tools: draw a circle [-> it is selected], draw another [-> the second one gets selected], CTRL-Z = nothing is selected anymore
This is not particularly annoying in all other tools but it is in the tweak tool, because undoing the first tweak deselects and an additional tool switch is necessary before one can tweak again. I already noticed that when the too was in its embryonic stage in the calligraphy tool... but failed to report it :(
It would be nice if: - the selection could be kept in Undo history. this would solve the issue for all tools and in addition I found myself bitten by the lack of selection history several times. Ex: you try to select several small objects, it takes a while, you add another object by mistake, the only way to subtract it from the selection is to click on it again... which cool get messy if there are already several other objects selected, or if you added it via a select under or in group or... - there was a way to select objects directly from the tweak tool. this would, in addition, allow to avoid constant switches between the select tool and the tweak tool (not that s and and w are far apart on the keyboard but still). ALT is not already used as a modifier in the Tweak tool ;) Of course the selection behavior won't be as powerful as the select tool (since the select tool modifiers is already very complex and its modifiers are all full) but just ALT+click/drag = selects and SHIFT+ALT+click/drag = adds to selection would be nice.
JiHO --- http://jo.irisson.free.fr/