Hello, Our student project is now finished. Thanks to our mentor Johan, our work is now in main trunk. For us it is a real pleasure to see that.
Our goals were : - LPE stacking : Check it out - LPE for groups : has already been committed - LPE envelope : we created 2 deformation effects, the first one is "Envelope", the second is "Lattice" and is based on the d2sb2d object from 2geom. They are not designed for the same use. Indeed, while the lattice offers an accurate deformation, this deformation is only determined by control points. It also allows the user to move inner control points, which can't be done with the Envelope deformation. The power of the Envelope deformation is the absolute control of the shape of the envelope.
We made lots of efforts to correct bugs we found, but you may find some more.
Concerning the school, our teachers told us our project is one of the best of this year. They qualified it of "excellent project" and they were very glad to see our results. I hope this will spur the students on to work on open source project.
I intend to continue working on Inkscape, first by "polishing the edge" of our actual work and then by adding things I have in mind. I hope people will like and use what we did.
Thanks again Johan and the inkscape community, The team : De-Cooman Aurélie Tebby Hugh Falzon Noé Bouclet Bastien Navez Victor Giannini Steren