On 2009-June-28 , at 09:13 , ~suv wrote:
- Set preference to 'Create new objects with:' > 'This tool's own
style', take style from selection (e.g. Fill: red, Stroke: None).
- Quit and restart, select text tool and create a new text.
Expected result: text object with 'Fill: red, Stroke: None'. Result: text object with 'Fill: red, Stroke: None'.
- change font face (e.g. Courier New) or change font size (e.g. to
56), type new text. (important: change font/size before actually typing the new text, not to change an already entered text) Expected result: text object with 'Fill: red, Stroke: None'. Result: text object with 'Fill: None, Stroke: black'. Font style preferences still say 'Fill: red, Stroke: None' for new objects
I have had similar problems for a while with all tools actually, where the style would revert to Unset for fill and stroke (unset fill appears transparent, unset stroke appears black so I guess this is what you are seeing). This seemed to have improved in recent builds but indeed there are still some issues.
A little more precisions, with same Inkscape build, same system I get: 1/ set text tool's own style to something not "unset" (2/ quit/restart) - seems to be optional 3/ write some text -> OK Now, do one of these actions (i.e. not sequentially, I have not tested the sequence) 4-1/ change anything in the font dialog: font family, style, size, layout, direction or line spacing -> OK, all settings honored 4-2/ change font family in the font toolbar -> reverts to unset, 12 pts but uses the font that was just selected 4-3/ change anything else (size, layout, direction) in the font toolbar -> reverts to unset, 12 pts, Sans
So it seems the pb is mainly with the font toolbar. The font dialog works perfectly. I must say that I have relied on the dialog for a while because the toolbar has never beer very reliable/fast enough for me. The only thing that used to kind of work were the bold/italic buttons but they don't work anymore.
NB: is there a reason why: - the line spacing setting is not in the font toolbar? - the text toolbar does not have a style indicator on the right, as other tools have?
- quit and restart. create text object.
Expected result: text object with 'Fill: red, Stroke: None'. Result: text object with 'Fill: None, Stroke: black'. Font style preference has been reset to 'Fill: Unset, Stroke: Unset' for new objects.
same here.
Other style issue: with the 3D Box tool, the styles settings in Inkscape's preferences: are never honored. - set "This tool's own style" to red and dark red, go to the canvas, dra a box = on my machine it is blue with different shades depending on the facet, even though the fill and stroke indicator say red. These blue seem to be the default because I get the same after trashing Inkscape prefrences. - set Last used style, draw a box, change it to red and dark red, draw another one = it is blue again
JiHO --- http://maururu.net