-----Original Message-----
From: bulia byak [mailto:buliabyak@...400...] Sent: woensdag 3 september 2008 21:15 To: john cliff Cc: Maximilian Albert; inkscape-devel@lists.sourceforge.net; Engelen, J.B.C. (Johan) Subject: Re: [Inkscape-devel] "Live Pen" Feature Bounty
On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 3:20 PM, john cliff <john.cliff@...400...> wrote:
Its an excellent idea until you make any change that substantially alters the path length, at which point all your widths
'slide' along
the path when you didnt want them to...
Often, this is more or less what you need anyway. It's for artistic use more than technical, and artistic curves have few cusps, and when they do, it's less important where exactly are they and whether they are exactly coordinated with changes in the width. In any case, with width adjustable at any point, you can always tweak the shape back into what you want. Also, the LPE can provide special calls for inserting/deleting segments on the path, which would shift all points so that those length/width pairs that are not affected remain physically where they are; for example, Pen tool can use it when it continues an existing variable-width path.
I like setting the width per node better than decoupling it. For one thing, it will be harder to remove unwanted width settings without it. Also, when deleting an end/start point, the whole path will change etc. I think it is more intuitive to have widths per knot as well. I am not an artist, but I think it would make more sense to the user.
In any case, I've made an "ArrayParam" for LPEs, I'll change it a bit, but now a list of values can easily be stored in an LPE. (it does not have a UI btw) Doing the 2geom math will be easy, no worries about that (both ways is not so hard, either the per node setting or the percentage of path length setting).
Let me know when you've made the nodepath implementation Bulia and need me to code up a list of structs in LPE (for percentage setting).
Cheers! Johan