Hi developers,

I try to work on New From Template Dialog

You can see work progress here : http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/NewFromTemplateSpec

So, I have some questions, all are written down on this page : http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Talk:NewFromTemplateSpec
So you can read them and answer there, or simply answer me by mail.

Questions are :

About attributes

Is it possible to add completely new attributes into a svg file ? like:

inkscape:template-name="Web banner 728x90"
inkscape:template-name-fr="Bannière Web 728x90"
inkscape:template-description="A banner for a website, size: 728x90 px"

Also, is "sodipodi:namedview" the correct markup for template attributes ?

Categories names


Do we have to traduce categories names ? If yes, we can add new attributes in svg files, like :

   inkscape:template-category-fr="Fond d'écran"


Should we use underscore between words ? like :


or can we simply use:

   inkscape:template-category="Paper sizes"


I think that keywords are optionals, because they must be traduced in too many languages. And there is categories in order to find templates. Should we use them or not ?

Currents categories


Is "background" the same category as "Desktop" ?


"default_mm.svg" and "default_pt.svg" don't respect specifications. Must be "default.mm.svg" and "default.pt.svg". Is it correct ?

Thanks you for all :-)