2018-08-09 3:32 GMT+02:00 Maren Hachmann <maren@...3165...>:
Am 09.08.2018 um 00:08 schrieb Jabier Arraiza:
> Great point I add a test to the button. @Maren: Any idea?

- Do you mean to add a text next to the button?
Maybe then write the tooltip we already have next to the button?

Or do you mean to change the button text? Then, perhaps, it could be
'Reload interface to update icons' (but that's awfully long, esp. if
translated to German).

Christoffer, the button tooltip says:
'Apply icon changes (may take a few seconds)'

What did you have in mind?

I just looked at the video shared by Jabier at first, didn't read tooltip until now and was scared when I saw that all windows closed down after pressing the reload icons button. When that happens it usually something bad. To manage expectation better I would add text either right below subtitle "Display icons, press reload icons or restart to apply" or above/to the right of the reload icons button. See attached image as an example, exact wording can be tweaked, red text color is just my emphasis for this discussion final text in the application should be black but perhaps still italic.

Christoffer Holmstedt