On 4/27/05, Peter Moulder <Peter.Moulder@...38...> wrote:
o When you start drawing from one end marker of a path and
arrive at the other end marker, the path gets closed automatically (the markers disappear).
For me, it works both for pen and pencil, both in add and non-add mode. For me, there is indeed a marker drawn on the newly-drawn line even in non-add mode, allowing closing the shape.
This is different. Read the announcement carefully. It tells about starting from _existing_ selected path and going to the other end of it, whereas you're speaking about closing the new path on itself (which indeed worked before).
I don't understand how this is different from the previous point, but anyway, Shift will fix it.
The distinction is where you want the new line to meet an existing line in same path without merging to a single subpath. My understanding of the shift proposal is that it won't allow this variation.
This distinction affects linecap/linejoin choice, and affects whether intermediate markers (if enabled) are drawn.
Oh this is too far-fetched imho. What you are describing - subpaths which meet but not join - is something which (1) is rarely needed if at all, (2) is easy to do with node tool if you need it, and (3) does not do anything that simple separate paths would be unable to do.