On Fri, 2004-07-23 at 02:35, bulia byak wrote:
excellent work on emphasized grid lines! The only suggestion is that I think they should be made more darker still, for better contrast. Darkening by 25 instead of 10 looks much better on my screen.
Thanks. It was something that was bugging me. What do other people think on the color? I'm guessing this is going to be something which is kinda screen dependent. 17 works on my screen, but not Bulia's, what works for other people? I use an Apple screen, which are known for being bright though (I have a buddy that says: "If you want a dark website, get it designed by a guy with a Mac" :)
I'm okay with changing it to whatever works for the most people, I think this is probably going to have to be found empirically though.
PS - I guess someone people probably don't read the CVS mailing list... I added in the feature to have some, regularly spaced, lines on the grid be a different color for emphasis. The question here is what should that different color be? If you're building CVS you should be able to turn on the grid (you might have to zoom in a little bit also) and adjust the value in the document settings under 'grid'.