Thu, 21 Jun 2007 15:04:50 +0200 Maximilian Albert <Anhalter42@...173...> kirjoitti:
following Gail's example, I would like to post a short note on my progress, too, and at the same time announce version 0.1 of the 3D box tool. :) Well, that's probably too much of a promise. It is _extremely_ limited, the only thing it may be useful for is giving an impression of the envisaged behaviour (also see http://www.rzuser.uni-heidelberg.de/~malbert/core_functionality.shtml ). I'd appreciate comments, although I admit that there is not much to comment on yet. ;)
It seems that this won't compile on 64 bit platforms.
In sp_3dbox_toggle_vp_changed (toolbox.cpp:2109) a pointer (64 bits) is casted to an integer of a smaller size (32 bits), which is a big no-no. (even though in this case there's a good reason)
For a quick solution, the offending line could be changed to intptr_t dir = (intptr_t)data; but as intptr_t is a C99 feature, this may prove to be a problem, too. (I don't know if it is or not)