bbackde@...1439... wrote:
I tried to contact Bob several times, but never got any answer.
On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 20:09, <bbackde@...1439...> wrote:
Thanks for your answer. I wrote ishmal a mail to his sf.net account directly, and I hope he can answer soon...
Currently, OpenStreetMaps rendering at home can only be done using Inkscape (good for Inkscapes reputition), but the "Too many heap sections" error really prevents the unattended processes from running, because you have to accept the error dialog manually each time. Windows users cannot
I know this is probably not a true solution to your problem, but I prevent a similar thing from happening in the rendering tests by the following dual approach: - Compile Inkscape as a console program (change -mwindows to -mconsole in build.xml) - Run it after having called SetErrorMode(SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS|SEM_NOGPFAULTERRORBOX|SEM_NOOPENFILEERRORBOX);
As far as I know this prevents most error dialogs from popping up.
render those big maps, and the OpenStreetMap render queue becomes bigger and bigger :( (Linux users can eventually recompile libgc by itself easily to solve the problem).